News & Events
Latest News!
Author Tour – Young Alberta Book Society
WordPower Tour. Lorna is please to announce she has been selected to tour with the Young Alberta Book Society Cenovus WordPower Tour South from April 3 - 7, 2017. Stay tuned for details on schools and times!
Born With Award Nomination
Nomination News! Lorna is pleased to announce Born With has been nominated for the Red Maple Award with the Forest of Reading.
Coming in March! Bent Not Broken
Next Release! Lorna Schultz Nicholson's next release coming in March 2017 is part of her One-2-One series entitled "Bent Not Broken". For further information about the book or how to order, please visit her "One-2-One" section under Books. ...
Coming in May 2017! Superhero Ninja Wrestling Star
Coming in May 2017! Announcing Lorna Schultz Nicholson's next release! "Superhero Ninja Wrestling Star". For further information and how to order, please check out Lorna's "Next Release" page or her "Middle Grade Fiction" under Books